Tuesday, February 19, 2008

one of those

tonight i was just one of those nights where things felt good, right, full of love and contentment. in the midst of a life that is far from perfect, tonight was one of that couldn't have fell more into place - i couldn't have written it myself, you know?

jaci and i went to dinner in my favorite part of town - east village. but on the way, we got caught in the rain without an umbrella. and yet the chill of the rain was more refreshing than menacing. from dinner to desert - we were in michael schools' neighborhood and met up with him for an ice cream cone. i had watermelon sorbet, delicious! michael walked jaci and i to the train, which was such a gentleman thing to do - and walking conversation here in nyc can be so tasty, full of laughs and random stories of life. i am in love with the people in my life, i'm telling you.

since it was monday night, the chelsea group from origins (the church that i've been getting familiar with) was meeting at the spark center, this awesome room in the back of a senegalese restaurant on 22nd st. there were quite a few people there tonight, but our party of 30 was split into groups of 4-6 just to keep conversation intimate. there was small talk, of course, but some of our conversation really got into the nitty gritty of what we've been going through these days - emotionally, intellectually, spiritually. i sat in a group of three amazing ladies - faith, cinelle and kristen. truly it was what the doctor ordered - it is really nice to find people who are living in the city, living out their faith, living to connect with others, educated and interesting, easy to converse with. and most importantly, it feels comforting to find people who are in the same boat as i am - most far from home and those they love. i truly believe we weren't meant to go about life alone and with no one to really be apart of the details, day in day out. i thank God that i am finding this type of fulfillment and contentment in this group of people.

and just when i thought the night was over, a group of guys (i really was the only girl who went) invited me to go uptown to times square and watch the new U2-3D movie that just came out. i hadn't even heard of it until tonight, but i absolutely love U2 and i have the next two days off... i mean, really, who wouldn't want to go to see U2 on the big screen with a bunch of rad, good-looking young men? (hehe) so we jammed uptown and got in just in time to put our 3D glasses on and be amazed by 90 minutes of bono, the edge, adam clayton and larry mullen jr. rockin' our socks off. tonight was the first time i met kyle, the initiator of this particular outing. i got to sit next him in the show, and we basically sang all of the songs in harmony. nerdy, i know, but such a good time!

i ended the night riding the F train with another new friend of mine, kevin. great story behind how he came to origins, and as we both dialogued, i knew that tonight was one of those nights - a night when all is well, i feel comfortable in my own skin and i feel so much gratitude and love from my Father in heaven. nothing about the night was extravagant or out of the ordinary, but tonight reminded me that even the simple pleasures of life are significant to every season of the soul. and this is definitely a good season to be alive!


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