Saturday, February 02, 2008

archive seven: shalome - peace be with you

december 7, 2007

two days in a row - i should not have this much time off, i'll go in tomorrow morning with no motivation to work! actually, that's not true, since it's friday morning and i am working with the hottest crew around - anne, suzie and rachael. how splendid.

you ever have one of those days where everything just seemed so right? like there is no other place that you would rather be than in your life at that moment. the feeling is amazing, i'll tell ya, and this is how YESTERDAY felt to me. in the english language, we define it as "peace", but the hebrew language goes beyond that and defines this amazingly satisfying feeling as "shalome". the definition for "shalome" - "completeness, soundness, welfare, peace, health, prosperity, safety, quiet, tranquility, friendship (with human beings and with God)".

yesterday, i woke up to the cutest kids around, one of whom was all snuggled up against me. anne & jaci made breakfast, and everything tasted so good. in fact, EVERYTHING i ate yesterday tasted as if i hadn't eaten in days - hummos, tiropitas, mushroom pitas, fish tacos at p. wexford's. but believe it or not, food came secondary to the fact that i was with a couple of witty and humorous ladies all day.

no grandeur event or special occasion occured - it was just life being lived out to the fullest. from sleeping on a comfy couch to the fact that my parents thought jaci was rad (according to my mom, jaci seemed very "intelligent and sophisticated"), meeting jaci's new nephew, and how jaci introduced me to her friends as "my new assistant", and even the high heels that jaci was determined to wear all day (for no apparent reason at all) - every detail made me smile. you never know a person until you see them in their natural surroundings. with this in mind, i love spending time with anne at her home because this actually makes it easier for me to be a good worker under her - i've seen how she loves her kids, i've tasted how good her chocolate chip cookies are, we've watched the most random television shows i've ever seen. but i get to see her, who she is, how the fibers of who she is look like. and it is wonderful!

there are many people with whom i am connected with. and i am humbled to be able to live the life that i do - experiencing good and bad for my own good, tasting good food as well as good conversation, and having the privilege to see into the lives of amazing people. i feel God's favor so strongly in my life, i feel so grateful. so i've got no room to complain, cuz my life is good! if you don't think that life is good, you and i should have a little talk, my friend, cuz you are truly missing out.

Currently listening :
Our Endless Numbered Days
By Iron & Wine
Release date: 23 March, 2004


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