Saturday, February 02, 2008

archive four: a tribute to california natives living new york dreams

november 14, 2007

i am home now. i am glad to be home - to poop in my own toilet, to sleep in my own bed, to hug my family, to drive my car. yet there is this feeling of void i can't seem to ignore. i had been in preparation and anticipation of this NYC vacation for months - it feels wonderful to have something to look foward to. but now it's done. and again, i am home now. business as usual, back to reality.

with all that said, i just have to brag on some phenomenal people. as i said, i was anticipating my vacation for months. but nothing could have prepared me for how much the actual experience superceded my expectations. and i can't owe this to any tourist landmark; the folks i met along the way really made the difference. i've said it before, i'm addicted to people. and the crew i kicked it with in NYC is no exception.

so there is this guy who kats like to call "schools". but for some strange reason, i couldn't help but call him "michael". i guess i didn't realize just how much i missed michael schools until i spent time with him - he's so chill, so consistent in just how good he makes people feel just by hanging out with him. he's one of those guys you just have to be around. he's so ambitious, he could do whatever he wants to do with his life and he's so artistically brilliant without the drama that comes with artsy fartsy people. and i guess he's an alright dancer as well... but only maybe! (sike!)

and what about that little ashley harris - the fireball. she is so flippin' spunky; she has this addicting, cheesy smile that suckers you right in. you can't help but laugh and feel at ease around her - her sense of humor is so attractive. ashley caught me off guard, really. i wasn't sure how we would get along, but i'd look at her and i'd want to just hug her cuz she's so damn bubbly and cute. she's crazy and she allowed me to be the same at times... ashley was just so genuinely loving. i can't stop smiling even as i write this, with my eyes closed picturing her in my mind!

then there was this gal in new york - jaci randel. something else, i'll tell ya. she eats too fast, she isn't very patient, she walks really fast, she's quite particular about things, she works a lot, uses a lot of profanity and she doesn't eat meat! yet she is probably one of the most fascinating people i have ever met. a few times i would think to myself, "i think I HAVE (edited typo) jaci figured out." then she'd open herself up just a little bit more for me to discover yet another reason we get along. she's deep, really intelligent yet she did not make me feel inadequate like some "brains" do. you want to be around her - she's so sincere in her concern for others and genuinely giving. jaci is badass - she likes to stare fear in the face and live without regret. i love how she can't take compliments and will probably hate me for writing about her.

new york city itself is phenomenal! yet one can only visit tourist sites for so long. the people and the presence of life in the city is what causes me to rethink whether or not i want to stay in california. and schools, ashley and jaci are definitely some folks i could spend more time with. i cannot see how our paths have crossed on account of coincidence because it's encounters like this that shape who i am now and who i want to become. Until we meet again, friends!

"May the LORD watch between you and me when we are absent one from another." Genesis 31:49 (NKJV)

Currently reading :
On the Road
By Jack Kerouac
Release date: 28 December, 1976


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