Monday, October 31, 2005

Life in Paradise

So I spent the last week in a village almost two hours outside of the city of Kathmandu, in a place that has got to be one of the most, if not the most, beautiful place that I have ever spent time in. The village was Nagarkot and if you ever get a chance to view some photos of the place online, DO IT! I will get my photos on there as soon as I can.

I have found that I have been growing in the levels that I am willing to take risks in. For instance, in Nagarkot it was the very first time I used an actual "squatty" (which is a toilet without the toilet), which is actually SO FREEING! I have also found that I have grown an accustom (not quite an addiction yet) to coffee, coffee that is quite sweet of course, but coffee nonetheless. My friends, Emily and Libby, would be utterly proud of this outcome! And despite my inability to swim, my team convinced me to jump off of a 15 ft. waterfall (mainly to prove that Cory was a girl for refusing to jump), which actually upset my sinuses like hell but I enjoyed it anyway.

The greatest area of growth that I have probably seen is in the area of evangelism. I was once convinced that I was simply horrible at "convincing" people about Jesus, but that was where my problem was... the "convincing" part. I have noticed that, no matter what the religious background, people are so attracted to Jesus as a person, a healer, a savior, so much more than they are attracted to Jesus as a way to get to heaven. Yes, people want to go to heaven, but my former methods of trying to sell heaven like real estate or a used car DOES NOT WORK!

And so the quest to reunite the Nepali bride to its husband, Jesus Christ, is on! Please keep our team in prayer for health and also for sanity! Thank you, please write me when you have a chance, and know that I am in love with every one of you! Be blessed and ROCK ON!


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