Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Elijah's Whirlwind

I recently looked at the story of Elijah. When it was time for him to meet the Lord, Elijah did not shut his eyes and go, he did not even suffer any pain. The Lord took Elijah up in a whirlwind, a tornado-looking cloud. And I ask myself, "What was going through Elijah's mind at that moment? And how does it feel to be in the midst of something so powerful as a whirlwind?" I cannot say that I have been inside of an actualy whirlwind, but I am telling you, there is a tornado that is swirling in mind right now, and my thoughts are painfully great in number!

It is finals week. My mental exhaustion causes me to believe that it has been finals month! Today I took my first final which was on US History! What a pill to swallow! Next up, English (tomorrow) and then Geography (Thursday). After that, I AM FREE!

There hasn't been much time to really focus on the details of my trip, but I do not mind because I have purchased my plane tickets! I will post my departure/arrival itinerary in a later news update, but for now I want to thank all of my friends and family who have prayed for the prep for my trip. Thank you for all of your support and I ask that you would continue to pray. It's only just begun! And there is plenty to pray about.

-The financial need is still 2/3 of my full budget
-The hearts and minds of the DTS students and leaders
-The places that we are going to minister in
-Wisdom and aid in the final stages of prep


Countdown to Departure Date: 30 days
Countdown to DTS: 40 days


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